Thursday, February 21, 2008


Will Ferrell's new movie "Semi-Pro" is hitting theaters nation-wide this weekend. For those of you living outside of Michigan and the thumb, the news is getting old, real fast. Apparently the movie is about a minor league basketball team in Flint, called the Flint Tropics. So, parts of the movie were of course filmed in Flint. You wouldn't believe the local news coverage on this movie. You would have thought the entire movie was filmed all over Flint. People talk about this like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. We've even sent local news coverage teams to Hollywood for the film premier. Like it's a part of our life being shot on screen. You are Flint. Flint sucks. The movie will probably also suck. The news on this is very annoying, and I don't even live in Flint. Hey Flint, you do realize Will and the rest of the cast (Woody Harrelson) don't really give a rats tail about you, right? You are just another cesspool film location where all the groupies come out to get some action. Just because you see one or two streets of Flint in the movie doesn't mean it captures anything about what Flint is or is about. You and Will are not boys because he is now a part of Flint. We're talking about Flint. Not Miami. Flint. You're not going to sit at a local restaurant and be like, "Hey, Will Ferrell sat in this same booth in the movie 'Semi-Pro.'" Get a life. The ëxtras" that were used in the movie are practically glossing themselves as movie stars." Unbelievable.


Stack said...

Getting that excited about a movie like Semi-Pro whiffs of desperation. Sure, not a lot of movies are filmed in MI, but it's not like it never happens or people haven't heard of Flint. Sure, if they know of Flint it's as a crime-ridden cesspool, but they've heard of it.

Quotation marks get away from you a little in the end?

Ump said...

Yeah, crappy Deckerville computers. It should have been "extras" and no quotation marks around "stars"