Sunday, January 21, 2007

Save the Sharks

Sharks have an image problem. The mulitple rows of teeth and the eating people have made them look bad. But, "They're not all just teeth," says Sonja Fordham, policy director of the Shark Alliance. They're just misunderstood and some conservationists are looking to rehabilitate the image of the shark. You see, they ONLY killed 7 people for sure, maybe two more. Advocates estimate there are about 100 million sharks or shark-like fish killed each year and point out that's only 1 human for every 10 million sharks. I'll admit that's a pretty shocking statistic. We must need to kill more sharks since they're obviously not getting the message. Come on, we kill 10 million for every person and they keep attacking? I think what we have here is a failure to communicate.

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