Thursday, February 08, 2007

Why can't we tickle ourselves?

Before the Super Bowl on Sunday, the Pistons/Cavs were on ESPN. I wasn't watching the game, but I could still hear it as I was shooting pool Ricky Schroeder style in another room. All of a sudden I hear the Cavalier PA guy clowning the Pistons and Piston PA dude Tyson:

"Deeeeeee-troit Turnnnn-overrrrrrr"

I get that Tyson has certainly found a way to make a buck at his job as the PA man for the Pistons. And I bet if we weren't Piston fans, we'd also probably get annoyed hearing the guy constantly say "Deeeeee-troit Basketballllllll." (I think some of us are annoyed at the Denver Bronco PA person everytime he does his "And the pass was IN-COM-PLETE."

However, you are still the Cleveland Cavaliers and if you didn't have LeBron, you'd still be wondering why Craig Ehlo couldn't stop Jordan from making that last second buzzer-beater on your home court at the free throw line to send you out of the playoffs.

Oh, and when this took place, there was less than 2 minutes left in the game with Detroit ahead by at least 10 points. So, clown the Pistons all you want, they still kicked you and LeBrons tail. Maybe next time try that trick when you are winning. Or, since that won't be happening, do it earlier in the game as soon as you have a lead, like 2-0. Making a parody of Detroit Basketball into Detroit Turnover probably wasn't hilarious to Cavs fans as they were walking out of the joint during the 4th quarter. Don't tell me that won't come back to haunt you in the playoffs.

I'm waiting....who's got the ultimate crackback for me....Fritz? You know what's coming....


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