Thursday, February 01, 2007

A Million Penguins

No, this post isn't about Antarctica, it's about writing. Penguin, a British publisher, has started the first "wiki novel." This means anyone can log on and contribute to the story, much like happens with Wikipedia. So, like Wikipedia, you're likely to get some very good content, and probably a lot of crap. The story contains this interesting quote from Penguin's blogger:

"...and in truth I'll be happy so long as it manages to avoid becoming some sort of robotic-zombie-assassins-against-African-ninjas-in-space-narrated-by-a-Papal-Tiara type of thing."

Who WOULDN'T want that? Except for the papal tiara thing, that's just weird. Really, he should hope for a Pirate vs. Robot vs. Zombie vs. Ninja vs. Monkey deathmatch sort of thing, but maybe that story would be better for a visual medium. Anyway, you can check out the current results of the experiment here.

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