Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Ladies and Gentleman, it is time for "15 seconds to complain" so climb on board. This has really been bothering me lately. Certain websites I log into require you to change your Password every so often. I'm cool with that actually. However, it can't resemble anything of a previous password. Then, you've got to have a combination of 17 different characters, symbols, numbers, letters, CAPS, pictures, strands of DNA, blood samples, boogers, stool samples, and an updated urine test to change your password. Oh, and then you have to remember that combination when you finally decide to log back in a week later. Cute. So I've given up because I have about 10 other Passwords and ID's I have to remember for other various accounts, etc. I've finally created an Excel spreadsheet to list all my accounts that require an ID and Password. The one that bothers me the most is my Delta College email password. Like I really care if someone takes the time to hack into my Delta email account. Oooooo. I'm scared. I was getting one email per day telling me I had to change my password by July 13 or I wouldn't be able to access the account again. Oh no.

The best way it has been put to me is this: Passwords only keep out the honest people. Anyone if they really wanted to could hack your account no matter what special password it had.

Kinda like a business having two locked front doors. Why lock them both? The first door only keeps out the honest people. If they really want to get in, they will break down both doors, so you might as well save the money it would take replacing door #2 and leave the second door unlocked.

Anyone else irrated about constantly updating passwords? Has it seemed to help or work for you any better? Do you really feel any safer?

1 comment:

Stack said...

Yeah, I hate pissing into the computer.

But seriously, it does get annoying changing passwords all the time. I have to do it at work all the time and I'm already about out of good passwords that I can actually remember. Outside of work I have to admit I reuse them a lot.