Tuesday, July 31, 2007

3rd Place...Chiming In

I was going to comment to the last post, but it's easier to read when all the posts and comments are in front of you. Let me paraphrase in my best possible National Inquirer way of the REAL story of what happened and was discussed on the way home, minus all the shouting, swearing, middle-fingering, wife threats, name calling, groin kicking and bottle throwing in the van.

I forgot to mention another thought of making the league better/tougher to score points.

1. Less total roster spots to fill. As Adam already mentioned, we have 20 spots (rounds). Either we go with a smaller bench (which is what we discussed) or less total positions to fill. We didn't really go with that idea of cutting position players because if we did, we'd be cutting the defensive positions.

2. QB points. 25 yards/point was not brought up. Fritz is right, we talked about 15 or 20 yards/point. I've been in two other leagues that QB's got 1 point for every 25/yards.

3. I think it has been mentioned in the past (last year?) that if we had more competitive players for the WHOLE season (or just one freakin' week...MATT!) then we'd have a top notch league and we wouldn't have to make any statistical changes. So, adding 2 more guys for a total of 10 either makes our league more competitve or just adds 2 more competitive guys that can weed out the Boston Celtic players in our league (Aaron and Matt) that just "shut it down" once things started rolling downhill. And once those 2 competitive guys are added, it gives us a league of 10, but actually 8 solid competitive guys. Kevin admits, he "only puts in 5 minutes a week." That may be so, but at least he's competitive.

Here is the problem with the words you used Adam: "It would bring the league more in line with standard scoring." Some people don't want to be "standard." Fine. We like our creative league, I agree. The argument is "Just play the league the way the system is set up." Absolutely. I'm not saying our league needs to be touchdown dominating like some other leagues. But in ours, there's really no point to go after ANY player who scores lots of TD's. My argument is, the last time I checked, football was about scoring TD's. The enemy to that argument is "Who cares? Our league is about picking guys that will get you the most points, whatever it takes." In our league, a guy who scores TD's doesn't mean jack squat. Since that is the case and I don't think anyone can argue with me on that point, then we have in our league, because of our system, a surplus of players for any position that can give you a ton of points each week...which is why we score +200 points...and still lose. But, again, if we have 10 teams to dispurse the players, point totals would drop because each team would have less guys to score astronomical points...for basically doing everything but scoring touchdowns. Because at that point, they aren't really running backs or wide receivers. They are guys that only touch the ball 5 times and get you 15 points...without a TD.

By the way, the leading scorer every week in 2005 and 2006 in our league was a QB.

I was just looking at previous posts on the Monkie blog about our suggestions to the league in years past. I went all the way back to February 2005 and couldn't find anything. I could have swore we talked last year (on the blog) about possible changes.

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