Thursday, August 09, 2007

I'm Batman

If killing 4 bats in 4 nights doesn't earn me the honor of being a bat man, then how many do I have to kill? For those keeping score at home, that would be two in the garage, one in the dining room, and one in the basement. For those tracking the weapons used, two by hand, one by broom, and one with tennis racket.

Now, I didn't actually kill the bat with those weapons, it's just what I used to knock them out of the air. Then again, swinging with my open hand and hitting the bat "right on the screws" so it slammed into the garage door like a Looney Tunes cartoon, that may have given it brain damage. Oh, and smashing the winged mouse with the tennis racket like it was an Andy Roddick lob over the net into the corner of the wall might have ruined his weekend.

Nathan: 4
Bats: 0

1 comment:

Stack said...

Your wife needs to get you a bat-signal. And batarangs. Then I'll call you Bat-man.