Thursday, April 10, 2008

It's On!

The world puts up with a lot of things from communist (or wannabe communist) dictators like Hugo Chavez: nationalizing industries, torturing dissidents, etc. But banning The Simpsons? Enough playing around, let's just nuke the bastard.


Stack said...

Perhaps that was a little strong. We'd be better off enclosing Chavez and his residence under a giant transparent dome.

Ump said...

You know, I've probably only seen one full episode of "The Simpson's" and I'm not going to comment on the episode because it wouldn't be fair to make any judgement on any show after watching just one episode. I think if you give any show two weeks, you'll probably find it fairly entertaining to what you were hoping for. Character development takes patience and getting into the flow of how the show uses comedy takes a few shows to catch on to their style.

I think there are many good shows on TV (Lost, and too many more I don't feel to mention). But, I just don't have the time to get into them, especially when I feel I'm already behind. Case in point, I feel I'm 15 years behind "Seinfeld" and "Friends" because I didn't get into those shows. But, I bet they are pretty dang funny, just like "The Simpsons."

You can't have a program run 16 years and it not be funny. So, something must be great about the show...or else it would have bombed. I kinda wish I would have got into the whole Simpsons thing, but I feel like, why bother now. It will take me 10 years just to watch the 425 episodes I'm behind, plus all the episodes I miss while trying to catch up. point...what was my point...oh yes, I guess I don't care that they pulled the show off TV at the 11am time slot. I think it makes sense. But Baywatch the substitute? That sounds hypocritical. Either way, I'm sure it will find a new time slot to air. Maybe if I was a Simpson's fan I'd be outraged. But I'm not.

Stack said...

Two points:

1. Now not the greatest time to start with The Simpons. It's still okay, but past it's prime. If you could watch just one season of the best episodes you'd get a better idea.

2. I don't so much care that The Simpsons got taken off the air, it's that it got taken off the air by decree of a dictator. Chavez is as bad as they come. He needs to disappear.