Did you know
Faygo is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year? Well, I didn't until I read this
article from the Detroit News. The most interesting thing I learned from the piece? Faygo is credited for "pop" being used in the Midwest rather than "soda." Fascinating. Flavors, of course, are Faygo's claim to fame. Some of the more popular: Rock and Rye, Moon Mist, Redpop, Root Beer, Strawberry, and Pineapple Orange. Okay, so Pineapple Orange and Strawberry may not be that popular, but they're my favorites. What are yours?
When I was a kid (between 9-11), I used to pound down a bottle of Grape everyday, mabye 2 a day (you know, the ones in the glass bottles with the aluminum screw on cap) like it was chocolate. I loved Grape. It was a daily ritual at my grandma's after school: Walk to grandmas, grab a kit-kat, wash it down with a bottle of Faygo Grape. Chocolate and Grape. A great fix. Always had it for lunch too.
Wow... how long has Coca Cola been around? 100 years is a long time to be experimenting with flavors. I'm surprised we haven't seen more 'faygo original' flavors. Favorites? that's a toughie. I'd have to say Moon Mist, followed by a close second Rock and Rye.
Boy, now that you mention R and R...that was pretty tasty stuff. I guess I'll have to rank mine in order:
1. Rock and Rye
2. Grape
3. Moon Mist
I don't know if Rock and Rye was ever at Grandma's house when I was drinking Grape. But eventually it was always in the refrigerator.
All right, you guys are making me thirsty. I'm going to have to have someone send me some Faygo since it's not carried around here. Yes, it's a savage land I live in.
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