Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Quote of the "Day"...sort of

After reading Adam's post of Bill Simmons: World Cup's 20 Questions:

Question No. 13: If you could change anything about soccer, what would it be?

I hate how teams milk leads in the last 15-20 minutes by faking injuries and taking forever to sub players. When that Ghana player had to be carried off on a stretcher at the tail end of the America game, then hopped off like nothing ever happened as soon as the stretcher was out of bounds, I thought that was appalling. Actually, it made me want to go to war with Ghana. I wanted to invade them. I'm not even kidding. That's another great thing about the World Cup: Name another sport in which you genuinely want to invade other countries when you lose.

1 comment:

Stack said...

However you feel about Ghana, I'm pretty sure just being Ghana is punishment enough.