Monday, June 22, 2009


So, just before I commit to going, is everyone else in or out?


Big Daddy said...

I was just going to ask the same question? I guess I'm in. Can't say I'm exited but I'll be apart of the team.

Speaking of the tavern Stack, in case you haven't heard I knocked up my wife again. Little tike should be here by Thanksgiving. I think there could be something in the water. I've been told it's mine so you don't have to worry about adding another to the suspected # of children you have in this world.

Pictures of Baboons

Stack said...

I'd heard something about that. Congrats.

I suppose we also need to let Marissa know what our dinner plans are so she can warn Charmont. Unless you're just planning on going to the tavern, which I'd assume none of us are.

Ump said...

We plan on being there. I may get there after 7pm. Then again, if anyone remembers the 5-year party (because who couldn't forget that), showing up late seemed to be what everyone did.

Stack said...

Yeah, I remember. I wonder if this will be a little different with the tavern action after? Maybe some will stay sober and the drinking will really begin after dinner?