Saturday, May 13, 2006

Mac vs. PC

I'm not a big fan of Macs, or Apple in general. I'm also not usually a fan of ads where one company directly attacks another. So you can guess that I'm really not a fan of the latest Mac commercials. This comic from Ctrl+Alt+Del pretty well sums up what I've been thinking.


Ump said...

I hear ya man. Honestly, I think the commercials are funny, but a tad biased. I don't want to see Nike v Reebok or Pepsi v Coke or Old Navy v American Eagle commercials ripping on each other now. Actually, they aren't ripping on each other, just the first company to make the commercial does the ripping.

Ump said...

Dang. Funniest crackback I've seen/read/heard in a long time. That comic was outstanding!