Saturday, March 28, 2015

His and Hers

I've noticed lately that "Mike and Mike" use the hosts of "His and Hers" often on the show. Sometimes they are guests, sometimes they host. Is it just part of their programming, or deep down is the show ("His and Hers") struggling so they are trying to boost their audience and hope ratings go up. I have no idea and I haven't watched any of their shows, but it just seems odd how often they are included into "Mike and Mike," a show that easily stands on its own.

1 comment:

Stack said...

They're definitely not there to help Mike & Mike. I can't find ratings information, but even if His and Hers is solid the execs probably figure they get more exposure doing hits on Mike & Mike. They even had SVP & Russillo do the entire show once, which was bizarre, but that seemed to be all about exposure as well.