Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Michigan Thoughts

67-65. Football score. Not the basketball team (which I heard almost lost to SVSU).

If they would have lost that game, I would have been in favor of removing Rich Rod immediately.

At the beginning of the year, I was going to give Rich Rod a full 3rd year, and then wait at the end to see what happens.

With the Penn State debacle, I made my decision that he needs to be gone at the end of the year.

If they would have lost to Illinois, I would have said fire him immediately.

Congrats on a bowl. More than likely, they'll get a better than expected bowl because they'll sell tickets...and they have a human highlight guy. I expect them now to beat Purdue, so that will improve their bowl bids.


Stack said...

Will Dave Brandon pull the trigger though? It sort of looks to me like he might hold on and try and save face unless things really go south the rest of the way.

Ump said...

I doubt he would have pulled the trigger, but even Jerry Jones thinks things are getting out of hand. Michigan isn't Minnesota or Colorado, but everyone is replaceable. But, who do you replace him with during the year? Greg Robinson? Eeeehhhh. I'll stick with Rich Rod.