Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Wisdom For The Day

Okay, you're going to want to grab a pen and paper and write down this incredible wisdom from the lips of Nathan Haag. Let me set the stage:

Mandy and I were eating our Subway sandwiches. Mandy asked if I could save her a little bite of my footlong. I looked over at her and noticed she was putting away the other half of her footlong.

I said, "Your 'little bite' is right there!" I was referring to the fact she still has 6 inches left of her own sub that she can eat.

"I'm saving that for my lunch tomorrow."

Okay, here it comes. Are you ready...

..."There's no tomorrow until tomorrow."


Big Daddy said...


I will refrain from what anyone could say would be inappropriate comment. However being around High School boys for the better part of 3 months, you wouldn't say that comment without someone saying "Insert inappropriate Joke" then someone follows that up with "That was a Sex Joke" or the always funny "That was a gay joke."

High School Humor

Stack said...

I'm glad to see you haven't gone all sensitive on us. How much did that comment cost you?

Ump said...

Surprisingly not an elbow to the ribs. Or a really hard pinch of the skin on my side.