Saturday, December 16, 2006

RE: 1.3

Apparently I need to straighten some things out before I'm killed. The reference to Aaron's High School girlfriend on a scale of 1 to 10 was referring to a blond by the name of B. Dore. I'm being completely honest here, Jody didn't even pop into my head that people might have thought I was referring to her. Why? Because I never thought of Aaron and Jody as boyfriend/girlfriend in high school. I viewed them as already married.


Stack said...

Was there any question? I knew what you meant. It was pretty funny, but oh so wrong.

Ump said...

Well, Jody (who reads the blog more than Aaron, she just reports what she reads since she has nothing to do all day long while Aaron brings home the paycheck [and yes I realize Jody is reading this] thought I was talking about her.